Sera ya faragha
1.1. This privacy policy is followed to highlight our commitment to our visitors’ privacy. The following is an explanation for the ways in which information collected by is used.
1.2. ( collects visitors’ personal information in two ways:
a. Automatic collection of information by the hosting web server, as with all Internet sites.
b. The registration information provided voluntarily by visitors through forms on the website, such as “Register”, “Mailing list”, “Contact us”, etc.
2.1 The Internet web server automatically records some visitors’ information. These include the time and date of the visit, the IP of the visitor, the name of the Internet browser, the operating system, the URL of the referring page, etc.
2.2. This information enables us to improve the site content to suit the needs of our visitors and to protect the website from hacking.
3. Information entered by visitors
3.1. The information that is provided to us through various forms on the website enables us to help our visitors, provide valuable information and contact them. At the same time, it helps us to improve the content of the site to suit the needs of our visitors.
3.2. Some of these forms require our visitors to provide us with personal information such as: name, e-mail, gender, age, etc. The information collected through these forms is used only to answer questions, contact visitors and improve user experience.
3.3. Under no circumstances, except via judicial subpoena, shall this information be presented or sold to a third party, whether advertisers, other sponsors, etc. It is possible to provide advertisers with summarized statistical information, in aggregate form, through which it is not possible to discover the identity of our visitors. No personally identifiable information will be given to a third party whatsoever, under any circumstances, including advertisers and sponsors.
4.1. Wannan shafin ya ƙunshi wasu adireshi na waje. ba shi da alhakin tsare sirrin waɗannan shafukan, ko abubuwan da ke cikinsu.
5.1. Wannan shafin yana amfani da sabis ɗin da ke ba da damar bin diddigi, da ƙididdigar bayanan baƙi, da wasu shafukan ke bayarwa, kamar Google Analytics. ta yi ƙoƙarin zaɓar mafi aminci, kuma amintattun ayyuka, kuma tana mai da hankali ga duk ƙa’idodin masana’antu masu mahimmanci don ba da garantin kariyar bayanan sirri da aka samu daga sabis na waje.
6.1. inathamini umuhimu wa kulinda taarifa tulizo nazo na kutozipoteza, na kuzuia matumizi mabaya au mabadiliko yoyote yake. Hii inafanywa kwa kupunguza ufikiaji wa taarifa hizi iwezekanavyo, iwe katika uhifadhi au wakati wa usambazaji.
7.1. hutuma ujumbe baadhi ya nyakati kwa barua-pepe iliyo na taarifa kutoka Kwa kutumia huduma hii, unathibitisha kwamba umekubali kupokea jumbe hizi. Unaweza kujiondoa wakati wowote kupitia kiungo cha kujiondoa katika ujumbe wenyewe.
7.2. Tovuti haitumi ujumbe usioombwa (spam), kwa sababu husababisha kero na ni kupoteza muda.
8.1. Tafadhali zinagtia kuwa sisi hupitia mara kwa mara na tunaweza kufanya mabadiliko kwenye Sera hii ya Faragha. Mabadiliko yanapofanywa, kiunganishi cha Sera ya Faragha kitajumuisha nukuu “Iliyosahihishwa Hivi Majuzi (mpya zaidi)” ambapo unapaswa kukagua masharti mapya ambayo yataanza kutumika mara moja kwa tarehe iliyosasishwa yakichapishwa kwenye ukurasa huu. Nukuu itajumuishwa kwenye kiunganishi cha Sera ya Faragha kwa angalau siku 10 baada ya sasisho kufanywa. Hapo awali uliashiria makubaliano yako kwamba mabadiliko yoyote yamefanywa, yatarekebishwa kwa kufikia tovuti. Iwapo utapokea arifa ya marekebisho kama inavyoonyeshwa hapo juu, hakikisha kuwa unarudi kwenye ukurasa huu mara kwa mara ili kufahamu toleo la sasa la Sera hii ya Faragha.
9.1. Unaweza kuwasiliana nasi ili kuondoa taarifa zilizosajiliwa nasi, kwa kutuma kwa WhatsApp.
9.2 Kuhusu taarifa zako za wasifu katika jukwaa la kusoma mtandaoni la Africa Academy unaweza kutuma ombi la kuiondoa kwenye ukurasa wako wa wasifu.
9.3. Unaweza kubadilisha taarifa zako moja kwa moja kwenye ukurasa wako.
10.1. Unaweza kuwasiliana na msimamizi (Admin) wa kwa kutumia WhatsApp.
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